

                                                     编辑:14秋MBA3班 白冰


2015年12月15日至12月22日,来自英国坎特伯雷基督教会大学战略管理教授Julian Lowe博士为我院MBA学员带来了别开生面的全案例分析课。在6天的学习过程中,Julian Lowe教授带领学员们共同探讨了阿里巴巴、苹果、海尔、耐克等著名公司的案例,让学生真正地站在战略管理的角度,去进行实战分析,帮助企业提升运营能力!

课堂授课形式多样,尤其是无领导小组讨论+老师协调的形式得到了学员们的热烈欢迎。课堂上,学员踊跃发言并通过案例分析和外教进行非常热烈的讨论。课后学员一致反映非常喜欢Julian Lowe教授的授课方式,并且教授充满逻辑性的西式思考方式也为学员们的工作和生活打开了新的视角。




1                                  15秋3班 王蕾



2                                     15春1班 薛军


  通过参加Professor Julian Lowe的课程,我对战略有了一套比较粗浅的思维逻辑,从分析,到决策,到执行有了一个整体性的认识,明白了战略的重要性,也知道了战略的设定方法和管理办法,应该说,收获很大,提高很多。本次课程创新性地通过案例分析探讨战略管理,帮助我们解决了以下两大难题:如何能让管理者更加有效地学习最先进的企业运营管理理念?如何能让企业快速运用最先进的运营管理模式?

                                                                               15秋2班 王新荣





I am glad that I chose this course—ComprehensiveCase Study. I’ve heard that case study is a very important class for MBA study,especially for Strategy Management. Through this course I have got the chanceto learn how to analyze case and get key points, Professor Julian is a verypatient teacher, he teaches us how to find the right way to answer allquestions relevant with cases.

It’s not good to give comments by lookingat the surface. We should dig into it, read financial reports and analyze thedata, and then we’re able to judge if a new action would work well or not.

1                                                                             153江南兰


After learning theComprehensive Case Study, we have a deep and new understanding of the MBAcourse, we all believe that this is the value of MBA, this is what we shouldlearn and master. Take the business strategy management case analysis as coursereviews, it can effectively help business managers and related persons to build upmore comprehensive understanding on the valuable experience and lessons homeand abroad, the success or failure of these predecessors is of great practicalvalue to guide their own future development of their enterprises.

1                                                                                                   15MBA2刘丽红


Honestlyit is really exciting for me to attend thecourse of “Comprehensive Case Study” these days.

Although it ischilly outside, we are warmly talking about the cases in reality, such as APPLEALIBABA and so on. Professor Julian Lowe is reallykind to us. He never criticizes us even if we fail to understand accurately,instead he encourages us to speak out our ideas and learn to discuss withothers. Just as the saying goes,Two heads are better than one genius!” I really feel thepower of brainstorm through teamwork!

1                                                                        153姚克勤



The lesson ofStrategy Management is very interesting. It gives us knowledge and skillsnecessary to think and act more strategically. Professor Julian is an amiableand intellectual person. The samples he gives us are typical and worthy oflearning. They broaden my horizon and train my mode of thinking. I begin tofocus on the strategies of famous world companies and try to use them in mydaily work. Also, as a customer, I can understand enterprises’ intention andbuy products more cautiously. I hope MBA School can provide us with more lessons like this. Then we can gainmore practical experience.

1                                                                        153卓越



Julian Lowe博士现任坎特伯雷基督教会大学战略管理教授,曾担任过西英格兰大学、纽卡斯尔大学、布里斯托大学、澳大利亚卧龙岗大学、英国巴斯大学等学府教授,同时担任中国上海交通大学MBA国际教授。在教学中,Julian Lowe教授非常注重理论与实践的相结合。迄今,已经出版书籍10余本,向国际一流期刊发表论文100多篇,指导博士生18名。另外,Julian Lowe教授在澳大利亚拥有自己的商业和SPT技术公司并担任多家国际企业的企业咨询。