Pragmatic, Ethical and Harmonious
Notice on Arrangement for Selection Examination of Exchange and Overseas Studying Program of the Second Semester in 16/17 Academic Year
Post on 2017-04-21  Page View : 7270

All MBA members:

      According to notice on application for exchange and overseas studying program for Zhejiang Gongshang University MBA School and Law, Economics and Management School of Université D’Angers on April 14, 2017, announcement arrangement of selection examination is shown as follows:

II. Examination registration and certification review

 1. Time and place: April 26 (Wednesday) in evening 18:30, No.1 Teaching Building, Room 1214.

II. Carrying data for review

1) Application Form for “Communication Program for Students Going Abroad (Departure)” of Zhejiang Gongshang University MBA School

2) English resume (high attention shall be paid to academic achievements)

3) Proof material for English level

4) Supporting material for academic achievements

5) Other proof material for rewards

Please contact Teacher Wu 0571-81189507 for consultation


 Application Form for “Communication Program for Students Going Abroad (Departure)” of Zhejiang Gongshang University MBA School

Université d’Angers is a traditional university in France, and there are about 17000 registered students attending in different majors. They come from 10 different countries in the world. The university pays attention to scientific cooperation and flexibility of teaching, and International Contact Service Department has academically communicated with over 30 countries and 75 universities all over the world. The university pays attention to developing potential ability of scientific research, and is closely related to enterprise and social groups. Teaching and scientific research are developed focused on achievements in scientific research. At the same time, the university provides wide selection for accepting education for students with all varieties of hobbies, and students accept traditional course learning with degree.