Pragmatic, Ethical and Harmonious
There is a temperature called: somebody is waiting for your after the sand hill is crossed
Post on 2017-06-06  Page View : 2366


  The third friendly match in desertofInternational BusinessSchool was held in the last four days of May 2017. Students ofBusinessSchoolfrom everywhere gathered and separated. Handsome man and gorgeous women in ordinary days became disgraced men. Return to crowded city full of desire from social isolation for two days…… There is only a layer of sand for change of two extreme modes from faraway poem and field to disgrace before your eyes.


Zhejiang Merchants Team from ancient Yue state walked into desert and crossed numerical sand hills. In the competition process for two days, the deepest impression was crossing a sand hill every time and the most relieved was that teammates in the front were giving encouragements at a distance; there were staff providing warm service at the time of passing by a supply point every time; “come on” will be heard when an opponent surpassed you; we would wait for our brothers in the destination and also wait for their triumph from the beginning to the end. In fact, most participating teams are like teammates more but not opponents, taking a picture, acting cute and giving encouragement each other. Personnel of organizing committee would shout our names at the time of a last spurt and they would give an enthusiastic hug to every one who went out of the line. Then they would tell you the place with watermelon and yoghourt and the place with volunteers doing stretching. We felt that we were not fighting alone at this moment.   



In fact, most participating teams are like teammates more but not opponents, taking a picture, acting cute and giving encouragement each other. Personnel of organizing committee would shout our names at the time of a last spurt and they would give an enthusiastic hug to every one who went out of the line. Then they would tell you the place with watermelon and yoghourt and the place with volunteers doing stretching. We felt that we were not fighting alone at this moment.  

Our 11 team members obtained all completion, walked50 KMand obtained the eighth of team for this competition. Lou Xinyun obtained a good result of the ninth of women. It is cherished and treasured for us who walk into the desert for the first time. 



If running makes soul fly out of the body to breathe, outdoor activities deposit heart in the nature to purify. Listening to Shanqiu (a song) at this time, you will find that waiting by somebody is a just right temperature in the society.

Thoughts of participants

——13 Autumn MBA Xiao Kewen Old K  



  I was reflective when listening to “curse short life and sob late encounter” at the first time of meeting Shanqiu, and the melody of “life is always in a rush, I am so afraid of misty eyes with tears” sounded while listening. When someone says that the meaning of life does not lie in length but width constantly, self-abandoned impulse appears immediately. Disciplines and regulations, royalty and wealth become jokes. Eat at the time of shall eat, drink at the time of shall drink and play at the time of shall play, such as like sports and outdoor activities. If running makes soul fly out of the body to breathe, outdoor activities deposit heart in the nature to purify. As a fan of marathon and supporter of outdoor activities, coming to Uulan Buh is just for wanting to see whether body can keep pace with spirit and whether desert can suppress desire. In a relatively rest space, we put down the role of delicate egoist and wait for an integral whole as a member. Newton thought out the law of universal gravitation under apple trees and Sakyammuni received the enlightenment under the tree of Buddha. Perhaps sit in the desert of Uulan Buh, eat a mouth of sand, look the sand and the world, and think of a person and a society, whether can solve: who are you, where are you from and where are you going.

From New Longmen Inn (a TV play) to Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (a TV play), how does gratitude or resentment among people under yellow sand all over the sky and extreme antagonism among stratums raise this desert. How shall people remain a heart of awe in the immensity of the universe? At the moment of setting foot in desert, it is felt that I have no differences with the black and small beetle. Whether you can walk out smoothly is just decided by whether someone is willing to waiting for you each other. At this time, you will realize suddenly: confirm who you are faced with, you will know who you are; confirm who you are for, you will know where you are from; confirm who you depend on, you will know where you are going. Otherwise, looking at shadows of others in the sand wind all over the sky, you can not help being sad.