Pragmatic, Ethical and Harmonious
Teacher Xiang Rong in Our School Won the First Prize in Final Teaching Competition of National Decision Making Simulation Experiment
Post on 2017-05-03  Page View : 92

On April 27, 2017, Teacher Xiang Rong in our school won the first prize in “National Decision Making Simulation Experiment Teaching Competition of 2017”. The competition was co-hosted by National Research and Education Steering Committee of Degree in Business Administration and Joint Committee of National Demonstration Center of Experiment Teaching in Institutions of Higher Education and the final competition was held in Yantai University in Shandong from April 27 to April 28.

 “Simulation of enterprise competition” is the teaching innovation which is popular in recent years. This course is established in main colleges and universities in Europe and America, Perking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China and other 100 universities in China. Computer technology is applied in decision making simulation system to simulate competitive environment of enterprises and people participating in competition will make up virtual top management group of companies to competition in simulated market environment and carry out maneuver of decision making in management. They are required to comprehensively and flexibly apply management knowledge, prediction, optimization, solution, decision making and other methods such as production management, marketing, financial accounting and strategic management, correctly make decisions for enterprises and thus realize strategic targets of enterprises.

National MBA Education and Instruction Committee and National Demonstration Center of Experiment Teaching in Institutions of Higher Education held the teaching competition of decision making simulation experiment for the purpose of improving teachers’ ability of experiment teaching, motivating teachers’ enthusiasm to update education ideas and grasp modern teaching methods and thus implement “entrepreneurship of the masses and innovation by the masses” based on computer-aided teaching of simulation experiment.

Assessment of this teaching competition included three aspects: teaching design (including teaching programme of competition course, teaching design and teaching courseware); classroom teaching (carry out on-the-spot teaching as for a certain knowledge point in specified time according to teaching design). Contents of the competition include teaching contents, teaching organization, teaching manner and appearance and teaching features etc.; on-the-spot question answering (after classroom teaching, teachers participating in competition need to give prompt answer to relevant questions raised by judges as for teaching design, classroom teaching and simulation experiment teaching).