Pragmatic, Ethical and Harmonious
Our MBA Representative Team Won the Second Class Prize of the Fifth Peak Time National Business Simulation Competition
Post on 2016-06-22  Page View : 465

From March 21 to 23, the Peak Time Global Simulation Contest, i.e. the Fifth “Peak Time” National Final Simulation Contest in China hosted by Stockholm School of Economics and undertaken by North China Electric Power University and China University of Petroleum brought down the curtain. The final contest consisted of simulation contest and business presentation, and the jury team of business presentation would consist of well-known scholars in universities, experts and business executives. The site analysis and case discussion would fully test the basic level of knowledge and change ability in match of the students.


Our MBA School extensively encourages students to actively join and totally two teams won out the intermediary heat and one team was selected to participate in the finals. MBA team competes in the contest with 12 crack forces from universities across the country. Our “Nirvana team” won the second prize under the meticulous guidance and with careful preparation and excellent spot to play.

“Rush Hour” (Peak Time) is one of Europe’s largest international business simulation contests and it has become a contest for exchange and cooperation of world's top business school students, and many colleges and universities and enterprises join it and give their affirmation. “Rush Hour” has been introduced intoChinafor 5 years and it aims at building an efficient platform for students to conduct business simulation learning and communication, and expands communication network and raises awareness of innovation, creative ability and decision-making ability and entrepreneurship. Our MBA students will participate in more competitions in future and expand exchange, and learning with national universities and colleges and reinforce the effectiveness of teaching.