Pragmatic, Ethical and Harmonious

Zhejiang Gongshang University MBA School continues to cooperate with Missouri State University, and provides unique opportunity of going America to study for excellent MBA students of Zhejiang Gongshang University and ordinary postgraduates. American University recognizes education background of postgraduate of Zhejiang Gongshang University, and students go to America to study for one year. Qualified students will obtain the most authoritative acknowledgement (AACSB certification of Business School), degree for Master of Business Administration of Missouri State University certificated by degree of Chinese Ministry of Education and identity of studying abroad and returnee. Related courses and theses shall be completed after students return home, and corresponding postgraduate degrees of Zhejiang Gongshang University can be applied according to regulations.  

Program came into operation in 2001, and domestic cooperation organizations included extremely large state-owned enterprises etc. of Original State Economic and Trade Commission, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Shandong Provincial Government, Jiangsu Provincial Government, Sichuan Provincial Government, Shenzhen Municipal Government, Guangzhou Municipal Government, Aviation Industry Corporation of China etc. and . For the program, more than 900 people have been graduated, and there are about 500 students at school at present. From 2006, program had been expanded to cooperate with Chinese universities. Outstanding postgraduates of domestic key universities that meet admission requirements of program can go to America for one year to study MBA degree of Missouri State University. At present, domestic key universities participated in the program cooperation include Zhejiang Gongshang University, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Jiaotong University, South China University of Technology, Jilin University, Lanzhou University and East China University of Science and Technology etc..

I. Program characteristic

1) Higher popularity of university. Missouri State University is a comprehensive public university of research, and all degrees of MBA and Master of Accounting etc. awarded by its Business School are certificated by the world’s most authoritative certification institution for Business School AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Among more than 1600 business schools of America, only 10% obtain AACSB full certification of MBA and Master of Professional Accounting, including all famous universities of Stanford and Harvard etc.. At present, there are just four universities of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management which are certificated by AACSB in Chinese Mainland.

2) For program of visiting student between China and America, visa is guaranteed. The program is taken as program of visiting student between China and America, and United States Department of State issues J-1 visa of visiting student (it is not usually the F-1 visa issued by United States Citizenship and Immigration Service). Success rate for visa is extremely high. The program does not accept any individual application, and it shall be assigned by Zhejiang Gongshang University.

3) The Ministry of National Education recognizes degree and identity for overseas students of returning home. Students can apply certificate for overseas students signed and issued by Education Department of the Chinese Embassy in the United States at the time of graduation, and foreign degree certification can be handled in Ministry of Education Service Center after graduation and returning home. Treatment for returning home and overseas students can be enjoyed according to national corresponding regulations. 

4) Exempted from TOEFL and GMAT examination. The program is especially approved by American universities, and students are not strongly required to participate in TOEFL (TOEFL) and GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). Main basis for admission shall be determined by English performance at ordinary time, practical English level, working experience, development potential of students and recommendation for Zhejiang Gongshang University.

5) Save time and expense. Educational system is short, and one year of learning shall be strengthened (usually, MBA courses of American University are two years for long system of summer holiday and winter holiday). With intensive course, there is no summer holiday and winter holiday. Not only students can save one year, but also living expense of one year can be saved. 

6) Combine study and practice. During the period of studying, American universities organize students to visit well-known enterprises in Missouri and its surrounding states and to participate in activities of business lecture etc..

7) Understand American society. Students have opportunity to recognize and contact American families. They participate in American family activities at weekends and in holidays to further understand American society.

8) Intensive learning of the whole class. Students can help each other in learning and life, and professor can properly adjust course schedule. Students are easy to transit and adapt in language.

9) Student identity is the same as that of American local students. Students will be admitted as postgraduates of University of Missouri, and postgraduate registrations and other admission procedures are handled at the time of admission. Students shall attend all courses and shall be qualified according to regulations, and master of business administration will be obtained. Students will participate in global alumni network of American universities, and they enjoy the same glory and qualification as American alumni, including service of permanently remaining school roll, report card and all other alumni. 

II. Application conditions

1) For postgraduates for all majors in Zhejiang Gongshang University (MBA and general postgraduate), at least four courses of economy, finance and accounting, finance or related courses shall be completed during the studying period of undergraduate or postgraduate;

2) Degree for undergraduate is required, and undergraduates or postgraduates upgraded from college can be considered. At least four years of degree is required, and graduate certificate or degree certificate is required;

3) Performance is excellent during university period, and average score equals to GPA 2.7 above;

 4) Better English ability is required (equals to previous TOEFL550) or corresponding English requirements of American universities are reached after participating in English intensive training before going abroad.

III. Program procedure



Application for admission:

Application material for postgraduate admission shall be submitted and application expense shall be paid according to requirements of American universities;

English training:

It is required to participate in English intensive training, and form is not limited;


After respective review for graduate school and business school of American universities, official postgraduate admission notice and visa documents for students going to America of DS2019 Form etc. shall be issued.

Handling procedure of going to America and visa:

Students handle passport and make an appointment, and pay visa expense and SERVS expense according to regulations of American Embassy; then they need to go to interview;

Go to America for study:

Fly to America


IV. Educational system and course setting


     Educational system is 12 months, and 33 credits are for 11 courses (there is adjustment for every class of part of courses).

Name of course

Name of course

Organizational Behavior


Advanced Financial Management 

Marketing Management


International Financial Management

Management Information Systems   


Organization Strategy & Policy

Quantitative Methods -Decision Making


International Management

Supply Chain Management 


Administrative Mgt. & Org. Theory

Managerial Accounting



V. Teaching method and training mode

The program is subject to core courses of business school of American universities, and is subject to teaching plan, teaching method, teaching material and mode for teaching management of MBA degree course in the same period of American universities. All courses are taught by senior professors, and assessment and credit for all courses is generally subject to methods of classroom quiz, midterm and final examination, group discussion or completing designated research articles.


VI. Organize management

During the period of foreign study, students shall strictly conform to regulations for academia, management and individual behavior of Zhejiang Gongshang University and Missouri State University. After completion of study, they shall return to China promptly.